Uncivil Minded Homestay Guests Owner's Nightmare
Uncivil Minded Homestay Guests Owner’s Nightmare

Uncivil Minded Homestay Guests Owner’s Nightmare Malaysian Homestay Uncivil Minded Homestay Guests Owner’s Nightmare is a taboo subject to many homestay owner nightmares. But, the fact we cannot avoid it. Malaysian homestay industry has taken a leap and bound since the inception during the 1989 era. Therefore, city, small town and even village you bound […]

Prefer Homestay Over Hotel in Malaysia
Prefer Homestay Over Hotel in Malaysia

Prefer Homestay Over Hotel in Malaysia Previously, the majority of the tourists travel to Malaysia and stay in hotels never get to experience true Malaysian hospitality. Thus, it is changing as a result of the growing popularity of homestay in Malaysia. Briefly a homestay is similar in concept to that of a bed and breakfast, […]

1 coffee journey from Ethiopia to Kluang
World Most Expensive Coffee Make from Civet’s Poop

Why drink World Most Expensive Coffee Make from Civet’s Poop? It is high time we stopp drinking it. Civet coffee is not harvested in the wild in limited quantities.  It is mass produced by animals kept in appalling conditions. According to folklore, the Indonesian plantation workers discovered the civet coffee.  The civet eats the ripest coffee […]